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Parents Involved In Education of Plano

(P.I.E. of Plano)
Parents Rights Key Issues Finance Performance


Studies have proven that parental involvement is a vital ingredient in the success of a child's education. Chapter 26 of the Texas Education Code specifically details parental rights and responsibilities. It begins by stating:

"Parents are partners with educators, administrators, and school district boards of trustees in their children's education. Parents shall be encouraged to actively participate in creating and implementing programs for their children."

For the exact wording of each provision always refer to the actual code. Briefly, these are the some of the key provisions provided under Chapter 26:

Key Provisions

Rights Concerning Academic Programs (26.003):

A parent is entitled to

petition the school board;
request change in class or teacher;
request addition of a specific academic class if there is sufficient interest;
have his/her child attend a class for credit above the child's grade level; and
have his/her child graduate from high school earlier.
Access to Students Records (26.004):

A parent is entitled to access all written records of a school district concerning his/her child, including:

attendance records;
test scores;
disciplinary records;
counseling records;
psychological records;
applications for admission;
health and immunization information;
teacher and counselor evaluations; and
reports of behavior patterns.
Access to State Assessments, Teaching Materials and Board Meetings (26.005, 26.006, and 26.007): A parent is entitled to have access to all of these.


Right to Full Information Concerning Student (26.008): A parent is entitled to full information regarding school activities of a parent's child. Any attempt by any school district employee to encourage or coerce a child to withhold information from the child's parent is grounds for discipline.


Consent Required for Certain Activities (26.009): Written consent from a child's parent must be obtain before a school district employee may:
conduct a psychological examination, test or treatment;
make a videotape or audiotape a child unless that is for the purpose of safety and discipline in the common areas of the school or school buses or it is related to a cocurricular or extracurricular activity, a regular classroom instruction or media coverage of the school.


Exemption From Instruction (26.010): A parent is entitled to remove his/her child temporarily from a class or school activity that conflicts with the parent's religious beliefs . A written statement must be submitted to the teacher.

Read Chapter 26 of the Texas Education Code

Click here: http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/statutes/edtoc.html



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Last modified: May 13, 1999