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Parents Involved In Education of Plano

(P.I.E. of Plano)
Parents Rights Key Issues Finance Performance


Elem. Read & Write
Elem. Math

Performance evaluation is an important tool in keeping schools accountable for high standards. We also want to evaluate how our financial resources are being utilized.

Analysis of TAAS Scores

The Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) is the standard used to measure Texas’ education system. It primarily tests reading, math and writing from grades three through eight and again in high school. The passing score is 70. The Texas Education Agency says that you have to score at least an 80 in order to have a 75 percent chance of passing the public university entrance exam. You will be exempt from taking that entrance exam if you receive the proficiency score of 85 or above which would indicate a good command of the material at that grade level. Herein lies the truth for this saying: "You can pass the TAAS test and still need a Hubbell Telescope to even be able to see college."

With so many Plano schools having a high percentage of their students attaining passing scores, it is time that we evaluate ourselves using a higher standard. The focus should now be on the percentage of students attaining the proficiency score of 85% or above.

Elementary Reading and Writing
Elementary Math

Analysis of Financial Status

It has been said that Plano has maintained a low cost per student budget. When we look at the budgeted expenditure in the Snapshots for 1998, Plano is the top spending school district among the 33 districts with more than 25,000 students. Snapshots is an annual report of each district published by the Texas Education Agency.

In the district size category of over 25,000 kids

A total of 33 districts in this category.
Plano spends the most in both operating and instructional costs.
Average operating cost = $5,000 per pupil.
Average instructional cost = $2,900 per pupil.
PISD outspends average by ($6198-$5000) = $1198 per pupil in operating cost.
With 45,000 kids in our districts, this totals $1198 x 45,000 = $53.9 M
In instructional cost, PISD outspends average by ($3370-$2900) = $470 per pupil.
With 45,000 kids in our districts, this totals $470 x 45,000 = $21.15 M
How much more will we outspend others without Robin Hood?


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Last modified: May 13, 1999